1) In accordance with article 13 of D.Lgs. 30th June 2003 n.196, Panatex in its capacity as holder of data handling,
would like to inform you about the purposes and methods of processing the personal data collected by
the aforementioned company, the limits of their communication and the nature of their storage.
2) The data collected is processed by Panatex in complete accordance with the principle of correctness and with legal regulations,
in order to contact you and provide you with the requested commercial information. The aforementioned data may be communicated to
or stored by third parties used by Pnatex for the aforementioned purposes, even if they operate abroad.
The types of parties to whom your data may be communicated, or by whom it may be stored, may include, as an example and not an exhaustive list:
- businesses which provide hosting and website management services;
- businesses or persons who carry out business prospecting.
Failure to provide your personal details will make the requested services impossible to carry out.
3) The data collected, with your express permission, may be handled by Panatex and communicated to or stored by third parties,
even if they operate abroad, for the operational purposes of the company, such as operational and strategic marketing,
market research, and promotion and sales of goods or services of Panatex or third parties.
The types of parties to whom your data may be communicated, or by whom it may be stored, may include,
further to those mentioned above and as an example rather than an exhaustive list:
-businesses providing marketing services
-businesses providing market research services
-businesses providing services for the promotion or sale of goods or services.
4) In all cases personal data will be processed by Panatex using IT processes,
or in any case IT systems, and hard-copy backups. The data is archived in paper copies, electronic copies and online copies,
and the minimum security measures required by current legislation are guaranteed. The data collected will be kept for the necessary
length of time for the completion of the purposes for which it was submitted, in accordance with the law.
5) In all cases you can exercise your rights as expressed in Articles 7, 8, 9 and 10 of D.Lgs. 30th June 2003, n.196, by contacting the Holder of data handling.
In particular, you can obtain confirmation of whether or not the company holds personal data relating to you, even if it
is not yet registered, request its communication to you in an intelligible form, and furthermore update, correct or complete
the data, have it deleted or made anonymous or block data processed in violation of the aforementioned laws,
in complete accordance with the principle of correctness and with legal regulations, in order to contact you and
provide you with the requested commercial information. The aforementioned data may be communicated to or stored by
third parties used by Le ville delle romantica for the aforementioned purposes, even if they operate abroad.
The types of parties to whom your data may be communicated, or by whom it may be stored, may include, as an example and not an exhaustive list:
- businesses which provide hosting and website management services;
- businesses or individuals who carry out business prospecting.
Failure to provide your personal details will make the requested services impossible to carry out.